
Testimonials for my Work

Just a few of the emails I have received in response to my 1 to 1 sessions from clients and participants in my classes …


“Thank you for the amazing reading, Julie! You’re really good!  Absolutely correct on my current energy in all the areas you touched. When I was listening, I can feel how you would connect with our energy first. We all know you don’t sugar coat your readings in all your YouTube clips. You have always approach it with so much positivity. Thank you for bringing me such good news & encouragement. You go directly to the core of all my concerns, no beating around the bush. I wish I have purchased longer duration video recording from you! Your reading really touched my heart almost to tears. I’d definitely recommend you, Julie Poole. Thank you so much.” (Sarah, 23 August 2023 – Video Reading)

“Hello Julie, I wanted to reach out and thank you for the amazing reading! I never had a reading that resonated with me this much. You answered all my questions and the advice, which included some hard truths, was exactly what I  needed to hear to get the clarity I wanted at this point in time. I am so glad I was able to find you. I will definitely be back when I need some guidance again to navigate through life. Love & blessings,” PK (June 2023)

“I had another great session with Julie who helped me to gain clarity with regards to my spiritual coaching business.  I was unclear on what immediate action to take in order to take my business forward. Julie’s insights were spot on and they helped me come to a conclusion on what approach I would take moving forwards. I highly recommend Julie to anyone who is seeking clarity or requiring guidance.  She is authentic and genuinely wants to help.” Karen. (May 2023)

… for those who are looking for a guidance… as soon as I heard it, it was phenomenal! I was completely flabbergasted. All the words she divulged were true and correct, very well defined, detailed, expressed, succinct, error free – credulous! It seems she knows  me very well… I want to convey my special thank you! I highly recommend Julie to do your reading.

Thank you so much for answering all my questions and providing much needed guidance. I actually felt the connection to you / some sort of ‘presence on the day you was doing the reading. The information you gave me was so spot on! As I started watching – huge sigh of relief came over me and tears just started streaming like a waterfall! Thank you so much for being such a beautiful Soul.

Thank you so very much for doing a reading for me and for sending the link. I sincerely appreciate all of your help. You are “Amazingly” accurate and “spot on” with everything that you said in reading. The information contained in the reading was extremely helpful. Julie, again thank you so very much. I am sincerely grateful and have shared your information with friends (who I hope will reach out to you).

Thank you very much, that helped a lot! I needed to hear what I already know.

That was an amazing reading! Thank you so much for your guidance!

This has definitely helped me. Honestly i feel so relieved. Thank you so much

Thank you so much Julie ! You gave me such an empowerment! Highly appreciate it!

Thank you and your Angelic aspect so much for this wonderful reading. It was deep and perfectly suited to my vibration. I know that I don’t really need anyone else to tell me what is going on, but oh what joy, to get the confirmation you brought through for me! It all makes perfect sense to me. Thank you for the guidance on my next steps

Just SO ENJOYED MY READ!! I can’t even begin to tell you just how spot on this read has been! You are such a beautiful soul helping others and you are very much appreciated!

What a wonderful reading! Some aspects really strongly resonated with me and some points you made were absolutely spot on. Your reading has really helped increase my confidence – which is much needed right now.  Thank you so much🙏 for sharing your gift. I’m very grateful.

Thank you so much for my reading – was amazing and very helpful!

Thank you Julie! I have watched the video and am saving it to watch again for reinforcement. I just want to say what a lovely and uplifting message you and your angels have given me! Thank you so much!

and some previous testimonials…

Thank you so much madam for the lovely reading, its so beautiful, and enlightening to hear what is to come for my life, you are truly a messenger from God!, and since I’ve been following you, I look at you as my own guidance counselor haha!, God bless you Mrs. Poole, and again thank you  . Larry G, 2 November 2018

Thank u Julie as always I want to learn so so many things from u . U are a great teacher. I hold u near and dear to my heart. I look forward to ur video’s everyday . They bring me so much joy and happiness… It was just a few months ago that I stumbled across ur channel. I really think it was a blessing. It has restored my life. And brought me much peace. Thank u for saving me and teaching me how to love me and people around me . And how to let go of my feelings. And how to be thankful for the many blessings I do have. Love and light to a beautiful woman. Many blessings to you. Peace out. PJ – November 2018

Thank You — Thank You — Thank You — for the Blessed Day you have given me through Source and the Angels — and for this Meditation.  You have helped me to cross that BRIDGE and all the challenges and difficulties now and I AM Open to receiving all good things — feeling safe and secure — and I am now seeing the light at the end of this tunnel and stepping into the Light & Love of the Universe.  You have helped me as well as  the angels to find the content and ease of receiving Source within self — and to LOVE and CREATE LOVE for ALL THE WORLD as my path goes forward.  All my gratitude and Blessings to you Julie — Much Love & Light, Patricia – November 2018

Thank you for sharing the wonderful reading along with the peaceful affirmations., You have helped me a lot, Glad I found you. I get great inspiration from you. Blessings – CJ – October 2018

Thank you Julie!! Your messages each day keep me in the beautiful flow and keep me aligned with all the abundance of the universe.  I am so blessed that my struggles have ended, I now have the job and love that I have manifested with your help and guidance.  Thank you thank you thank you!  I use your affirmations daily and that really keeps me connected.  Love and blessings. KJ – October 2018

“I booked a series of 1-2-1 sessions to discuss spirituality with Julie. I wanted to understand how my beliefs fit in with a spiritual way of life. Julie has a relaxed and friendly manner she explained the different aspects of spirituality we spoke about so well it has led me to put many of these concepts into practice. Since then I have learnt Reiki with Julie and am now a Reiki practitioner, again Julie’s knowledge and teaching methods made Reiki a joy to learn and is a part of my everyday life now. Learning from Julie has been a life changing experience. thank you Julie.” RT – 2011

“You read for me on Sunday, 28th November 2010 & just wanted to say thank you so so much. I think I floated out of your house, & had a stupid grin on my face for the rest of the evening. I’ve had a quite a few readings over the last 20 or so years, but never had one so accurate. I’ll be coming back to see you soon hopefully & will definitely look for an opening to sit in one of your circles as you suggested. Love Heather” 2010

“I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with Julie, I would highly recommend Julie for Psychic parties and one to one readings. I am hoping for a lovely voucher for Christmas to have some more of Julie’s time! I found my whole reading wonderful and not rushed. Julie gave me hope, inspiration and the ability to believe in myself again.” Tracey – 2009

“I have just received my first e-mail reading from Julie which was informative, uplifting and comforting. It confirmed my thoughts and intuition regarding my present and future situation combined with wisdom, insight and advice. This included a detailed follow-up answer to my request for clarity on one point. I first met Julie a few years ago when I had an in-person reading which was of the same high quality, insight and content. Also, I attended one of her hospitable Spiritual Development Circles which always combined spiritual inspiration with information together with meeting like-minded people and having fun. Last but not least, the Spiritual Hypnotherapy sessions I have had with Julie were absolutely amazing and need to be experienced to be believed as they are beyond description in a short space! Thank you Julie for sharing your immense spiritual gifts and knowledge. Long may you continue to do so.” EF – 2010

“I really look forward to circle each week, finding the energy nurturing and up lifting. I had been experiencing a low ebb for a while, anxious I was stuck, feeling empty and exhausted but since joining the circle, positive vibes and wholeness are returning to me. Circle is a great opportunity to share and practice and it does not seem to matter where we are on our path. It can seem a lonely journey at times so I really have welcomed being part of the circle which seems to have excelerated and deepened my connection with spirit. I am aware of the saying, “when the pupil is ready the teacher appears” and with sincerity I believe that in Julie I have found such a teacher.” Lisa 2010

“Thank you so much for the circle last night. I wanted you to know that I was feeling tense (hence the massage request) and had pains in my shoulder. Last night I slept so well, and woke up with a huge sense of peace as if I had spent the night back in the angel hospital (or Angel Spa as I have now named it.) The shoulder pains have gone now. Your circles are so , what word can I find to describe it, I’ll have to make one up, as I’m not sure what it is, but the energy is so lovely and continues for a long time afterwards. Please can we go back to Angel Spa again sometime?. I suppose I can go on my own but it’s nice to be able to go with the group. Thank you Julie, and peace be with you too today, and always. Love Hazel x”

“Thanks again for the deep healing and love I experienced last night under your guidance. I know there has been a shift and this is the start of many new experiences. Besides the healing, I also enjoyed the chat afterwards.”

“Just a quick email to say a very big thank you for circle yesterday. I really enjoyed the lovely energy so peaceful and safe. I felt really at peace, relaxed and happy with a sort of warm loving feeling in my heart. You would make a fortune if you could bottle that feeling ! Even my husband noticed a difference when I got home. I had never heard of this sort of group, meeting like this but it’s fab! I feel very lucky that you came into our life.”

“Julie was a very valuable and an amazing person within my life. She turned up exactly when I needed her. I had strayed from my spiritual path and she guided me until I found it again. I met Julie when I was 6months pregnant, I joined her development group and had an amazing few months with her. Julie helped me to fine tune my meditation skills and connect with source. I always felt elated after the group. My baby girl is very tuned in and I am sure the group help us to connect before we even physically met. Julie without knowing built my confidence back up within my self and within the world around me. I learnt lots from her and send her Love often.Thanks Julie. Much love.” KG, 2009

“I experienced spiritual hypnosis and past life regression with Julie and found the sessions with her valuable and inspiring. She has a special gift, a warm compassion and deep understanding of human experience.” MC – Acupuncturist 2009

“I have known Julie Poole for around six years now. I first visited Julie, on the recommendation of a friend, when I needed some Spiritual guidance in the form of a reading. I used to see Julie every year or so for a fresh reading. Now our connection is more of a friendship. I would have no hesitation in recommending Julie to anyone because she has great sensitivity, integrity and compassion and last but by no means least because she is a great person with her feet firmly on the ground. I wish her all the best on her continued path of healing and spiritual life.”

“I have know Julie as a friend for many years, but it was only through the loss of a deeply loved partner that I came to understand the power of her spiritual gifts. She saw what could not otherwise be known and gave truth to a connection that I would not have considered that it was possible to achieve. I believe because of it.” Sandie, 2009

“I have known Julie for about 3 years as a friend and as a reader. During that time she has given me readings which I have found really insightful, helpful and accurate. She has an understanding of how to give the information, which is sometimes not what I want to hear, in such a way that I am happy to think about what I have been told and then action it!! As a friend Julie has never let me down and I would recommend her to you.” Sarah, 2008




“The healer in me needed healing. As a mental health professional, it’s hard to find someone who can hold the space to allow the inner healer within to shine through. After having a personal session with Julie Poole, I would highly recommend her. Her pure, loving energy and spirit can help you move through the darkest, most painful parts of yourself that need healing. Such a beautiful soul with a gift to share with the world. Love you soul sister! 💫I can’t thank you enough” ACT, December 2017.

“Julie has been a fantastic source of support to me for almost 18 months. Her gentle and encouraging approach helps me to feel that I can share personal details with her without fear of judgment, but she is also great at giving guidance. Something I particularly appreciate about her is that she takes careful note of the experiences and feelings that I share with her, so that she is able to reference these with me when I need reminders of my progress or my patterns of thinking and behaviour. She has a great balance between practical, expert guidance, empathic listening and effective hypnotherapy sessions. She knows a lot about recovery from childhood trauma in particular, and her expertise in this area has meant that I have made considerable gains in improving my personal relationships and self-esteem.” MF. Sept 2017

“I’ve had CFS/ME for 5 years and became so intolerant to various foods that I was down to eating 9 foods by the end of last year. I was getting nowhere with conventional medicine and now struggling to tolerate nutritional supplements and healthy foods, then Julie was recommended to me by someone who had experienced similar problems. Within weeks of having sessions with Julie my energy levels improved dramatically as did my symptoms of brain fog. I am now a few months into sessions and I have been able to more than double the amount of foods I can eat. I have gone from being mostly housebound to going out at least once or twice a week. I can also walk around my garden regularly, hang out washing several time a week – I hadn’t been able to do these things since a relapse I had 2 years previously. I have managed to start gentle yoga and now manage 40 minutes of yoga a day. My food intolerance symptoms could leave me almost bedbound they were, at times, so severe. I no longer get symptoms of this severity, no more headaches, no more feeling poisoned/hungover and no more increased fatigue levels after eating problem foods. If I do add a food back in which my body can’t handle yet I have mostly mild symptoms, this in itself is a vast improvement. I am also at a point now that I am not so restricted or so fatigued that I have been able to go out for meals with friends and family. In addition to the improvements in my health condition and intolerance problems, I feel much more motivated, confident, strong, focused and have somehow through these sessions developed a different way of looking at life and how I plan to live the rest of it. I feel like I have had my eyes opened and whole lot of mental blocks, which I didn’t know I had, have now been lifted and that the world is my oyster and there are a plethora of opportunities just waiting for me to grasp – things I never thought possible before, even before the onset of CFS/ME. I’m not sure how else to explain that last part, it may sound airy fairy and it has been an unexpected part of treatment for me but has really changed my whole perspective. Julie is extremely approachable and down to earth. I have undergone sessions via skype and initially wasn’t sure if that may not be as effective as face to face but it has certainly worked for me. I cant recommend Julie and hypnotherapy enough. It has been instrumental in getting me well on the path to recovery.” GF. 22.09.17

“I have been working with Julie for several months and have found her to be an excellent practitioner. She is extremely eclectic and very easy to get on with. Her knowledge is very diverse and I have been able to make several changes to my life because of my work with her. She is extremely responsive, always professional whilst remaining very amiable and putting me at my ease. I cannot recommend her highly enough.” JE. 22.09.17

You are helping me to help myself which is life changing. Thank you so much! Xxx” J. September 2017.

“Julie was amazing! She helped me change my eating habits and feel in control of my weight loss. I felt very relaxed and comfortable through out my treatment – she provides a excellent service.” L Palmer, Dec 2015.

3 sessions changed my life so much for the better. Julie makes you feel at ease and very down to earth making it easier to talk about difficult things. Would highly recommend to everyone. 🙂” Amy Lou. Dec 2015.

“Hi Julie I first came to see you when I was having chronic migraines and was in a very stressed state with low self esteem. From the moment I met you I knew it was the right fit. I had several sessions of counselling and hypnotherapy with you. The sessions felt safe, calm and relaxing, without any feeling of being rushed. I came away from every session feeling refreshed and a little more like the old me. I was sad when you moved away from my area! However our paths crossed again a little over a year later following the birth of my Son, when I had a session with you online using Skype. The birth had been traumatic for me and I was experiencing flashbacks and insomnia. My baby was three weeks old and I had just been in hospital for a week with severe mastitis. Being self employed I was also putting a great deal of pressure on myself to return to work ASAP. I was struggling to cope with the sudden whirlwind of motherhood and felt completely unable to soothe my baby from crying (not surprising considering the nervous energy I must have been giving off!) I don’t recall ever feeling so low in my life, and the only suggestion the GP had was medication. I knew that wasn’t for me, and Mark suggested hypnotherapy again. I went to a local hypnotherapist but I didn’t feel relaxed with her at all. She put on a strange voice and didn’t seem authentic like you do. I left feeling even worse and felt so lost. Mark suggested I have a session with you via skype. I was dubious as I didn’t think it would be as effective through a screen. But the moment I started talking to you it was like you just got it. I felt listened to and understood. The hypnotherapy completely relaxed me and from that moment on I was able to sleep! In the morning I felt renewed and began to bond with my son and from that day everything has just gotten better and better. I am totally in love with my little boy who is six months old already and we have an incredibly deep bond. We sleep like logs snuggled up in bed together. I can’t remember the last time I had a migraine. I don’t know how it would have all turned out if you hadn’t helped me find my strength that day. So thank you very very much xxx” – Mrs H. – November 2015

“Thank you so much. I feel a different person! I am recommending you to everyone.” Mr N H. March 2015.

“I had suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for over ten years. Having tried everything else I went to Julie hoping she could help. After only 3 sessions, I can honestly say that my panic attacks have gone and I feel a stronger, happier person. Julie is very comforting and makes you feel at ease straight away. My life has been changed for the better and this is down to Julie. I cannot thank her enough, I would recommend anyone suffering like I did to speak to Julie, I am confident she can help you too !” Miss .R.R – Jan 2014

“I went to see Julie, during a particularly, anxious fraught and difficult time in my relationship with my daughter, I arrived feeling very anxious, stressed and upset, emotionally drained in fact. My session with Julie helped me to gain a sense of perspective, to be objective, stand back and see the situation from both sides. I left feeling much more positive, I now have the tools to remain calm, in control of my emotions , in a very positive, optimistic and forward thinking manner. This has enabled me to look forward to the future with an inner strength and resolve and peace of mind.” C – Jan 2012

“My problem was low self esteem, I was brought up by a over protective mother. I was never allowed to stand on my own two feet and was constantly bullied, my school time was terrible, also my time after school and then it effected my working life. I had had enough, so I decided to look into Hypnosis. I found Julie Poole’s website online and called and made an appointment. I was quite anxious meeting someone I didn’t know but Julie put me at ease very quickly. If your wondering is it worth the money or does it really work? I can tell you that Julie and how she works has changed my life. I can’t recommend Julie (and her work!) highly enough.” – Neil Hanes, 2012

“Having ummed and ahhed about going for hypnotherapy to help with weight loss for a number of years, I finally plucked up the courage to contact Julie. She has a lovely way about her which instantly puts you at your ease and I find that her sessions give me a great sense of relaxation. I had often felt that something was blocking me from allowing myself to successfully lose weight, but with Julie’s help I am able to address these issues in a way that is not intrusive or judgemental. Many people worry about having control taken away during the hypnosis but this is definitely not the case with Julie – I am the one in control and Julie is there to guide me. Having attended about 5 sessions I have already lost 10 pounds but unlike when I went on diets, this has happened without the anxiety I used to feel. I find that I am effortlessly making healthier food choices and am gradually learning to listen and respond to my body when it is full! All in all, I would thoroughly recommend Julie and only wish I had found her years ago instead of ploughing money into slimming clubs which only work on a short term basis and only tackle one aspect of over-eating. Thanks Julie x” – DT – Dec 2011.

“One of the best therapists I have ever used, very professional, she really helped me get past my issues and move on. Thanks Julie, I would be happy to recommend you to anyone!” – Kiki Nov 2011.

“I suffered, please note past tense, from trichotillomania, this is a compulsive disorder where people pull out their own hair, usually one at a time. This started at the age of 19 and continued till the age of 57. At times of severe stress I would create bald patches on my own head. I had tried conventional hypnotherapy which did work, but only for a few weeks. I also tried EFT, another alternative therapy, which again worked temporarily. I went to see Julie over a year ago and following a one hour session I have not pulled out any more hair. I no longer consider myself to have this condition.”– M – March 2011.

“I relaxed into the session and allowed myself to be guided by Julie’s tranquil voice. It felt like I was going into an ‘awake dream’.” – Anon March 2011

“I used Julie to deal with two separate issues. I find her relaxed approach and fantastic facilities put at complete ease, her knowledge and professionalism was outstanding and has enabled me to deal with my issues with a different perspective. I would recommend Julie to anyone. “- BW Feb 2011

“Very friendly and relaxed service, I felt totally at ease and would recomend Julie to anyone who needs help with anything in their life.” – Chris Nov 2011.

“Julie has helped me tremendously with my driving phobia. I have always been a safe and competent driver, but very nervous. My father suffered from road rage and being in a car with him was extremely unpleasant, my mum said she preferred to walk! A session with Julie gave my confidence in my own skills and driving has since been quite enjoyable, a novel experience for me.” – Marg, April 2011.

“I used Julie to deal with two separate issues. I find her relaxed approach and fantastic facilities put at complete ease, her knowledge and professionalism was outstanding and has enabled me to deal with my issues with a different perspective. I would recommend Julie to anyone.” – BW Feb 2011.

“I had an amazing experience with Julie who fixed not only the issue I went for but also some underlying things I didn’t even know were affecting me until I saw her. I would highly recommend Julie.” – G – Feb 2011.

“I have known Julie for about 8 years and have always respected her professional and personal approach to her hypnotherapy practice. An effective hypnotherapist with a human touch! “- Heidi Louise – Nov 2011.

“The hypnotherapy sessions with Julie were absolutely wonderful….. I awoke feeling like I’d cleared out a load of old emotional baggage after each session. I also felt so much clearer headed and somehow ‘re-charged’ after each session……it really helped to get me through a very tough couple of months following the death of my father to bone cancer in August 2010. The sessions left me feeling calmer and much more able to deal with my grief. I really looked forward to each session as it gave me some quality ‘time out’ to deal with everything that had happened to me…..which is very difficult with a large young family. Thoroughly professional and worth every penny!!” – Jo Martin Sep 2010.

“Julie has an amazing ability to get to the heart of the issue, fast. In only one session I feel like a huge block has been removed – something that had been holding me back from moving my own business forward. I feel energised and focused and excited about moving on. Julie is an incredibly gifted lady and I would recommend anyone who is ‘stuck’ in any way to give Julie a ring and fix an appointment now! Julie – thank you from the bottom of my heart.” – Helen Brown 2010.


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